steganos steganography
steganos steganography

SteganographycomesfromtheGreekwordsteganos,whichmeans'covered',and.-graphy,whichmeans'writing'.Coveredwritinghasbeenmanifestedwayback ...,ThetechniqueIdescribeiswellknownandcommonlyusedinsteganography.Tounderstandityoumustbeknowledgeableaboutbits...


Steganographyisthebranchofcryptographyinwhichmessagesarehiddeninsideothermessages.Thisrepositorywillaimtoimplementthisconceptusing ...

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A Privacy Protector or Just a Computer Security Trick?

Steganography comes from the Greek word steganos, which means 'covered', and. -graphy, which means 'writing'. Covered writing has been manifested way back ...


The technique I describe is well known and commonly used in steganography. To understand it you must be knowledgeable about bits and bytes. When an image is ...


Steganography is the practice of representing information within another message or physical object, in such a manner that the presence of the information ...


Steganography is the branch of cryptography in which messages are hidden inside other messages. This repository will aim to implement this concept using ...

Steganos - an overview

Steganography is the science of hidden communication. The name is based on the Greek words steganos (“covered”) and graphein (“write”), or concealed writing.


Steganography is the art of hiding in plain sight. If you have an encrpted message or image the fact that you are hiding something is obvious. On the other hand ...

Jumping into the world of Steganography and hiding secret ...

According to Google, Steganography is the practice of concealing a message within another message or a physical object. In computing/electronic contexts, ...

About Steganos

Our innovations include the world's first commercial steganography application, software that let's you hide data in pictures and sound files. And the ...

What is steganography?

Steganography is the technique of hiding data within an ordinary, nonsecret file or message to avoid detection; the hidden data is then extracted at its ...


SteganographycomesfromtheGreekwordsteganos,whichmeans'covered',and.-graphy,whichmeans'writing'.Coveredwritinghasbeenmanifestedwayback ...,ThetechniqueIdescribeiswellknownandcommonlyusedinsteganography.Tounderstandityoumustbeknowledgeableaboutbitsandbytes.Whenanimageis ...,Steganographyisthepracticeofrepresentinginformationwithinanothermessageorphysicalobject,insuchamannerthatthepresenceofthein...